Wow, this Texas summer heat is brutal. I do not know how you all are keeping cool, but our idea is popsicles and pool time! We cannot believe we are already half way through summer! The Fourth of July has come and gone I hope everyone stayed safe and their pets were kept calm during the fireworks.
With all the firework action happening this month, did you know that it is estimated that 500,000 pets are affected by fire annually? WOW, how sad! This was estimated by the United States Fire Administration. So here at Circle B we felt it was necessary to give some fire safety tips in honor of Pet Fire Safety Day which is on July 15th. We ask that on that day please take a moment to prepare your home and your family to help prevent fires and protect your pet!
First, prevent your pet from starting a fire! It is estimated that approximately 1,000 fires are accidentally started by household pets. Some quick tips to help prevent this accident is to:
• Extinguish any open flames before leaving the house.
• Invest in flameless candles.
• Cover or remove stove top knobs.
• Kennel or confine any young pets when you leave the house.
Next, if an accident is to occur it is important you have leashes and collars near the door for the firefighters to assist your pets. If possible keep pets near entrances when you leave them home for easy emergency assess.
Last, place a pet alert sticker on the window and how many pets are in the household to aid the emergency team in making a quick and complete rescue.
These are just a few quick tips we hope will help protect our furry family members. Have a happy and safe month!
For more information or to purchase pet first aid kits, please visit: